Tools 4 Success Conference

March 22, 2022 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Tools 4 Success Conference @ online
The Tools 4 Success Conference is designed for youth, young adults, and our community members who experience a disability to dream, imagine and shape their future!
The 2022 Conference will be hosted online with live sessions on March 22nd and March 29th at 10:00am and 1:00pm.

Please complete the registration form below  you will get a confirmation email after you submit.  A couple of days before March 22nd, we will include the Zoom link to watch the live sessions to keep our meeting secure.

The conference focuses on career and college readiness and lifting up our youth, young adults, and community members who experience a disability.  All of us need a circle of support.  The Tools 4 Success Conference brings together the community to share their wisdom, insights, volunteer and paid work experience, college aspirations, resources, and more!

For twenty-years (March 23, 1999 to the March 26, 2019) the conference was held in-person and by design on the Tacoma Community College Campus (TCC).  Rooted to inspire, accessible by design, TCC offers a taste of a college campus.  Since 2020 we are offering virtual conferences and welcome your ideas to keep dreaming so that we can shape our future!