Influenza Immunization Focus Group – Families of CYSHCN

The American Academy of Pediatrics is partnering with Family Voices to host a focus group with families of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and disabilities to understand what families know about Influenza (flu or H1N1) Immunizations for CYSHCN and how best to provide additional education. 

If you are invited to participate in the focus group, the conversation will be recorded to support the preparation of a summary report that will be shared with the AAP team. The report will not disclose names or any other information that could potentially identify an individual. Once the report is complete, the recordings will be stored for three years and then will be destroyed. If anyone does not provide their verbal consent to the recording, Family Voices will take written notes only of the conversation.

Submit your information via SurveyMonkey by April 21st in order to be edible for the Focus Group.